Plain Paper Copier/PPC-technology

MATAI PPC rolls (here: neon colours)

Life is fast. Using Matai PPC papers makes your repro busi­ness flowing. – Our (fluo­re­s­cent) colou­red PPC rolls attract cus­to­mers to your advertisement.

PPC papers and film from A4 to 91,4 cm width

It is impos­si­ble to ima­gi­ne modern offices wit­hout Colour Copi­ers and black and white machi­nes. Near­ly ever­y­thing can be printed/copied with the­se machi­nes, if you have the right paper/film. – Matai PPC and your machi­nes will run!

Our core busi­ness are rolls for lar­ge for­mat PPC machi­nes (core dia­me­ter 3‑inches = 76 mm). We offer white papers, colou­red (fluo­re­s­cent) papers and a wide ran­ge of PPC films. You need toners or other spa­re parts or sup­pli­es? Just ask us, we will help you.

Our Pro­duct Range:

  • PPC rolls, white, from 21 cm up to 91,4 cm width in 75 g/m² to 110 g/m²
  • Trans­pa­rent Copy­ing Paper (Rolls and Sheets) in various dimen­si­ons in 90/95 or 110/115 g/m².
  • Colou­red Copy­ing Rolls in dif­fe­rent widths, pastell‑, medium‑, inten­si­ve and neon-colou­red in many shades.
  • PPC-Poly­es­ter­film in rolls up to 91,4 cm width and in sheets.
  • Self-adhe­si­ve PPC-films in A4 and A3, white, trans­pa­rent-matt or clear, also sil­ver- and gold shades.
  • PPC-Media (white, trans­pa­rent, films) in sheets from A4 to A0.
  • Paper Trim­mers and Fol­ding Machi­nes for your finishing.
  • Toner, repro­gra­phic hel­pers and Spa­re Parts