Ink-jet Graphic Art

MATAI ink-jet Gra­phic Art

Fine Art is precious.
We under­stand Artist’s requi­re­ments and we help you to bring your visi­ons to rea­li­ty using Matai-Gra­phic Art papers. Just cont­act us for your fine print requirements.

Graphic Art Material for highest quality full colour prints

Whe­ther you are from adver­ti­sing indus­try or run a pro­fes­sio­nal pho­to stu­dio, we help you to get excel­lent prints from your data at a good »value for money« basis.

Our pro­duct range:

  • Glos­sy inkjet pho­to papers
  • Satin ink-jet pho­to papers/poster papers
  • Matt ink-jet papiers, coa­ted on one side or on both for hig­hest reso­lu­ti­on Poly­es­ter films and Vinyls (also self-adhe­si­ve) for prints in pho­to qua­li­ty Tyvek® and Can­vas Spe­cia­li­ties for pig­men­ted inks
  • Moun­ting and Lami­na­ti­on films
  • Spe­cial ran­ge for sol­ven­t/e­co-sol­vent plotters